Call forwarding is a convenient feature provided by mobile phone service providers that allows users to redirect incoming calls to another number or voicemail. This feature is handy when you are busy, traveling, or unable to take calls on your primary number. While call forwarding is a beneficial tool, there might be instances where you need to deactivate it for various reasons. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore call forwarding, its benefits, the process to activate it, and most importantly, how to deactivate call forwarding through specific codes provided by different carriers.

Understanding Call Forwarding

Call forwarding is a telecommunication feature that enables incoming calls on a particular number to be redirected to another number or voicemail. It ensures that you do not miss any important calls even when you are unable to answer them on your primary device.

There are three main types of call forwarding:

  1. Forward all calls: All incoming calls are automatically redirected to another number.
  2. Forward when busy: Calls are forwarded to another number only when your primary number is engaged in another call.
  3. Forward when unanswered: Calls are redirected to another number if you do not pick up within a certain number of rings.

Activating Call Forwarding

Activating call forwarding usually involves dialing specific codes on your phone’s keypad. The process may vary slightly depending on your service provider. Here is a general guide on how to activate call forwarding on most phones:

  1. Forward all calls: Dial 21 followed by the number you want to forward calls to and then #. For example, 211234567890#.
  2. Forward when busy: Dial 67 followed by the number you want to forward calls to and then #. For example, 671234567890#.
  3. Forward when unanswered: Dial 61 followed by the number you want to forward calls to and then #. For example, 611234567890#.

After entering the code, press the call button, and you should see a notification confirming that call forwarding has been activated.

Deactivating Call Forwarding

There are times when you need to turn off call forwarding for various reasons, such as returning to normal call reception or troubleshooting call-related issues. Deactivating call forwarding is as simple as activating it, and it also involves dialing specific codes on your phone. Below are typical deactivation codes for call forwarding:

  1. To deactivate all call forwarding: Dial ##21# and press the call button.
  2. To deactivate call forwarding when busy: Dial ##67# and press the call button.
  3. To deactivate call forwarding when unanswered: Dial ##61# and press the call button.

Once you enter the corresponding code, you should receive a notification confirming that call forwarding has been successfully deactivated.

Deactivate Code by Service Providers

Different service providers may have specific codes for activating and deactivating call forwarding services. Below are the codes for some popular service providers:

  • Verizon: To deactivate call forwarding, dial *73 and then the send key.
  • AT&T: Deactivate call forwarding by dialing ##21# and hitting the send button.
  • T-Mobile: Dial ##21# to deactivate call forwarding.
  • Sprint: Deactivate call forwarding by dialing *720 and then pressing the call button.

Ensure you check with your service provider for the exact codes to deactivate call forwarding on your device.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Call Forwarding Deactivate Code

1. How do I know if call forwarding is activated on my phone?

To check if call forwarding is active on your phone, dial *#21# and press the call button. You will receive a message indicating the status of call forwarding.

2. Can I deactivate call forwarding remotely?

In most cases, call forwarding needs to be deactivated directly from the phone that has call forwarding enabled. However, some service providers may offer options to manage call forwarding settings through their online portals or customer service.

3. Will I still receive voicemail if call forwarding is deactivated?

If you deactivate call forwarding, incoming calls will not be redirected, and your phone should receive voicemail messages as usual.

4. Is there a way to set a schedule for call forwarding activation and deactivation?

Some advanced phone systems may allow you to schedule call forwarding settings for specific times or days. Check your phone’s settings or consult your service provider for such options.

5. Why would I need to deactivate call forwarding?

You may need to deactivate call forwarding when you no longer require calls to be redirected, or if you experience issues with call connectivity that may be related to call forwarding settings.

6. Can call forwarding be deactivated permanently?

Call forwarding is typically a configurable feature that can be activated or deactivated as needed. You can choose to deactivate it temporarily or keep it disabled for an extended period.

7. What happens if I enter the wrong deactivation code for call forwarding?

If you enter the wrong deactivation code, the system may not recognize the command, and call forwarding will remain active. Double-check the code and try again to ensure successful deactivation.

8. Does deactivating call forwarding incur any additional charges?

Deactivating call forwarding using the provided codes should not incur any additional charges. However, it is advisable to confirm with your service provider regarding any potential fees associated with call forwarding features.

9. Can I deactivate call forwarding during an ongoing call?

Yes, you can deactivate call forwarding at any time, even during an ongoing call. Simply enter the deactivation code on your phone’s keypad while the call is in progress.

10. How can I troubleshoot call forwarding issues if the deactivation code does not work?

If you encounter difficulties deactivating call forwarding, you can contact your service provider’s customer support for assistance. They can guide you through the process or troubleshoot any technical issues that may be preventing successful deactivation.

In conclusion, understanding how to activate and deactivate call forwarding on your device is essential for managing your incoming calls effectively. By using the provided codes and following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily deactivate call forwarding when needed and ensure that your calls are directed according to your preferences. Always remember to check with your service provider for specific instructions and codes related to call forwarding settings on your phone.


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